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Welcome to 
Music Together
at Rainbowland

MRT Jiantan Station 劍潭捷運站

Suspension Studio 懸˙浮 空中瑜伽教室


No. 90 Section 4, Chengde Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111, Taiwan

JUR Space 士林


2F, No. 5, Ln. 114, Wenlin Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111, Taiwan

​新莊 2024.12月 即將開幕

What is Music Together?

Music Together 成立於1987年,是專為嬰兒、學齡前幼兒及幼兒園孩童及其家長與教師提供早期兒童音樂啟蒙課程的教育機構。他來自美國,但目前已有40餘國家,同步使用Music Together的教材,讓孩子不管在世界的哪個角落,學習音樂不中斷。
Founded in 1987 and originated from US, Music Together is a music and movement approach to early childhood music development for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarten children and their parents and other primary caregivers. More than 40 countries use the same music curriculum for Music Together families around the World sing and dance, no matter where they live.

Music Together at Rainbowland REGISTRATION FORM

Have a try!

體驗課 Demo Class Form

Have a try!

報名表 Registration Form

Register for FULL semester

By enrolling in a Music Together class at Music Together at Rainbowland, a licensed Music Together center, you agree that any information you provide will be shared with Music Together Worldwide (MTW). For information about how MTW uses and stores your personal information, we encourage you to review the Music Together Worldwide Privacy Policy.



Music Together是透過實際操作與感受音樂的學習方式,讓父母與孩子在日常生活中,擁有音樂上的刺激與支持,聆聽、探索、玩樂並體驗音樂與律動,學習到各種不同的調性與節奏,繼而開發每一個孩童與生俱來感受音樂的能力。 而多元與創意的教學方式,能建立孩子開放的學習態度,生活中對音樂會有更深刻的熱愛。

Music Together is committed to helping families, caregivers rediscover the pleasure and educational value of informal musical experiences. Rather than emphasizing traditional music performances, Music Together encourages family participation in spontaneous musical activity occurring within daily life. Through a process that seems magical, children figure out how to do things mostly by watching, listening, and experimenting on their own. The program promotes anxiety-free learning experience, where no expectations for achievement is placed upon the child. Music Together recognizes that every child needs a stimulating supportive music environment to achieve basic competence for music making.


Music Together 開發出9套非連續的歌曲集,12套歌曲集,每一套歌曲集是依照顏色與樂器,裡面有大人及孩子會喜愛的繪圖。圖畫依照節拍、曲風、世界各地的民謠繪製而成。納入老師集家庭的建議,持續改善教材。Music Together的教材包含當季歌曲集的彩色音樂課本+音樂CD+Hello Everybody App 音樂下載密碼+紙本及線上家長的教育資料。這些課程教材僅供在Music Together at Rainbowland報名課程的家長使用。

Music Together has developed award-winning 9 different Song Collections, 12 Song Collections, each song collection has its own graphic, color, and instrument. With the wide variety of rhythmic meters and genres-folk, blues, rock, jazz, classical, and world music, the graphics are illustrated accordingly. Music Together class curriculum materials include a current season Song Collection Songbook + Music CD + Hello Everybody App Music Access Code + Paper and Online Supplementary Materials. All of these materials are only available for families who have registered classes in Music Together at Rainbowland.


音樂 Music Diversity

Music Together 是與世界連結的一個絕妙的媒介。他的音樂範疇很廣泛,有來自日本、東南亞、中國、俄國、澳洲、中東、英國、法國、義大利、南美洲、美國與非洲的樂曲,音樂也適合童聲的調性。讓孩子從嬰兒時期有機會接觸到世界各地的樂曲,擴展孩子的視野。Music Together也鼓勵家庭以母語創作新歌詞。課程中還有許多「無詞歌」,讓兒童與陪同成人在無語言壓力下學習旋律,無須在意歌詞。英語歌曲、即興母語歌曲和「無詞歌」的組合,讓世界各地的人們都能以多種方式一同暢玩與享受音樂。

Music Together is a worldwide known music institution that has a diverse category of music from all over the World, from Africa, North and South America, Europe, Middle East, Australia, Russia, China, Southeast Asia and Japan. The music is pitched in just the right range for children’s voices and includes songs, rhythmic chants, tonal and rhythm patterns, and instrumental play-alongs, all in a rich variety of tonalities and meters. It is such an excitement for the kids to be able to open up their horizons with music worldwide at a very early age.

我來這裡,是要貢獻我的聲音,給這個世界。 I am here to contribute my voice to the world.

Annie Tsai

學制 Music Curriculum

Music Together at Rainbowland

Music Together 總共有12套歌曲集,課程是依照季節春、夏、秋、冬,更換歌曲集,一年上4套歌曲集,夏季歌曲集則會節錄9套歌曲集的歌曲。Music Together at Rainbowland 每一季以8-10堂課為主,一個月上2-3次,每次課程約45-50分鐘。家庭可在任何一套歌曲集開始參與 Music Together 課程。
Music Together has 12 Song Collections, each song collection has its own graphic, color, and instrument. Each Song Collection goes with the four seasons, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. Students learn 4 Song Collections each year and will finish the FULL Collection in 3 year. The Song Collections is not sequential, so you can begin Music Together classes with any collection. Music Together at Rainbowland teaches 8-10 classes per season, 2-3 times per month. Each class takes around 45-50minutes.

Registration Class for Mixed Ages

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Demo Class for Mixed Ages

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Register for FULL semester

Have a try!

By enrolling in a Music Together class at Music Together at Rainbowland, a licensed Music Together center, you agree that any information you provide will be shared with Music Together Worldwide (MTW). For information about how MTW uses and stores your personal information, we encourage you to review the 

Music Together Worldwide Privacy Policy.



Annie Tsai

Certified Music Together Teacher

創辦人Annie Tsai幼小時,於台灣國際外語學校就讀,時常在學校裡唱詩歌,喜愛唱歌也參加了合唱團,英文與歌唱,成為了她生活中的不可或缺的一部份。Annie Tsai 於2011年開始持續投入在身心靈領域,參加女性的力量(Feminine PowerTM) - 生命轉化教練及團體誘導訓練(Coaching and Facilitator Training),與Music Together的音樂相遇,並在許多Music Together老師8年多的啟發與薰陶下,決定往音樂的道路前進。

於2021年1月參加美國總部Director of Educational Services, Music Together Worldwide, Deanna deCampos與Melanie Ron的師訓與考試,成功通過並正式成為Music Together合格授課教師。創辦人還記得Deanna deCampos在考試後,讚許 ”You have a beautiful voice”。於2022年2月,再次參加Esther Winter師訓培訓深度學習Music Together 的精髓。期間,完全投入參與每一季的工作坊,不斷成長。

Ms Annie 於6月2023年,在劍潭捷運站附近,創立Music Together at Rainbowland。和父母一起與孩子們跳舞、唱歌、敲打樂器,感受到快樂與放鬆,同時培養孩子的音樂天賦,激發孩子的創造力與想像力。Ms Annie也是Koala U. 無尾熊烏托邦「情緒社交(SEL)課程」的指定老師,結合Music Together,帶領孩子喜愛音樂,並為孩子打造一個融合音樂、自我表達和情感療癒的獨特環境,祈望音樂的美善能量能創造更多生命的奇蹟。

 Music Together at Rainbowland想要給予每位家庭的是,希望能夠連結到自己的身體裡的彩虹,創造與孩子們的精心時刻。​成為孩子的光,同理、愛、接納孩子,讓孩子更自由地飛翔做自己。

The founder of Music Together at Rainbowland, Annie Tsai has studied in an International School at a young age. She often sang Catholic songs and hymns at school and joined a choir at a young age. The founder has also begun her spiritual journey in 2010. After many years dedication on spiritual learning, participated in Feminine PowerTM - Coaching and Facilitator Training and inspired by many teachers for over 8 years, thus decided to move forward and become a Music Together teacher as her life purpose. Also a designated teacher of Koala U, teaching "Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Program", Ms Annie is keen to let children love music and create a unique environment for children to integrate self-expression and emotional healing.

Annie Tsai has participated in Music Together Teacher Training in January 2021 with Deanna deCampos, Director of Curriculum Development and Educational Services, and Melanie Ron, teacher trainers from Music Together Worldwide. The founder still remembered that after the exam, Deanna deCampos especially complimented” You have a beautiful voice”. After successfully passed the exam and officially become a certified Music Together teacher, the founder then again attended Teacher Training with Esther Winter for a deeper learning in February 2022. In the meantime, Annie has dedicated much time growing and attending workshops for every collection, learning and growing.


In June 2023, she established Music Together at Rainbowland very near proximity to Jiantan MRT Station. Hoping to inspire and nourish parents and kids by singing, dancing and playing with instruments. The happiness of a parent is contagious and kids that are nearest can deeply feel it. Ms Annie is devoted to being the light for kids with deep love, compassion, empathy, presence and acceptance. So, let’s connect to our inner rainbow and create quality time with our kids. 


Music Access

全新“Music Together”app


在Apple 與 Android系統,皆可下載Music Together app並播放音樂。

全新“Music Together”app,替代原先Hello Everybody app,於2023年7月24日重新改版,隆重推出。

這個全新改版更新過的音樂播放器,引進了最先進與貼心的頁面,讓您與孩子們能隨時隨地輕易的播放Music Together的音樂。




請先下載Music Together app並建立您自己的MusicTogether.com帳號。輸入您的Email帳號及您會記得的密碼,並輸入音樂繪本內頁的音樂下載密碼。

如果您還沒有報名任何課程,Music Together app有先準備了Welcome Collection,一組12首Music Together®相當喜愛的歌曲集。您可以先感受Music Together®的音樂,並在您與寶貝準備好的時候,再來Music Together at Rainbowland 上課。




如果您已下載過Hello Everybody app,系統會直接更新成Music Together app,您不需要再次下載。當您看到app的圖像改變,您會被要求登入,輸入您的帳號及密碼,即可看到您已解鎖的音樂集和音樂清單。如果要加入新的音樂集,請點選Home裡"Collections"底下的"New Collection",再輸入您在音樂繪本內頁裡的音樂下載密碼。



Introducing the brand-new Music Together app


Download and play songs through the Music Together app, available for Apple and Android devices. The replacement for our Hello Everybody App, the brand-new Music Together app is finally ready and launched on July 24, 2023. This new music player has an updated, intuitive interface that makes it super-easy to play your Music Together tunes whenever and wherever you'd like.


New App Users


First, create a Account through the Music Together app and click the Create Your Account button. You'll enter the code that's printed on the inside cover of your songbook, along with your email address and a password of your choice.


If you're not enrolled in class yet, the app comes preloaded with the Welcome Collection, a set of 12 of our most popular songs. Enjoy the taste of Music Together. Come to class when you are ready!


Current App Users


If you already have the Hello Everybody app, it will automatically update to the Music Together app, so there's no need download it. When you see the icon change, you'll be prompted to log in, using the same credentials you use now, and you'll see all of your unlocked collections and playlists ready for you! To add a new collection, tap "New Collection" under "Collections" on the app home screen and enter the access code that is printed inside your songbook cover.


2F, No. 5, Ln. 114, Wenlin Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111, Taiwan

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Music Together art & logo design copyright ©2016–2023 Music Together LLC. Music Together is a registered trademark. 

Music Together at Rainbowland is licensed by Music Together LLC.

For more Music Together locations: www.

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